Block Champ (10x10)

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PC only game
68 Players
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Move blocks mouse-all mouse-all mouse-all

Block Champ (10x10) is a fascinating and popular puzzle game in which you will have to include strategic thinking and attention. Fill the rows and columns with cubes so that they disappear. Don't leave gaps, because that way the row can't be removed. Place random pieces on the field so that they perfectly fit together and fill the whole field. The game will end if there is no space left on the field to place at least one of the three proposed pieces. Therefore, it is important to always leave enough free space.

The game is played on a grid of 100 squares, which you will fill with random pieces. On each turn you will get three different pieces. You need to drag them onto the field and set them up to fill a row or column. Try not to leave empty squares between the pieces and at the same time leave voids for new pieces. The game also offers bonuses to simplify the task. For example, if you connect two pieces with lightning in one line, the entire row will disappear instantly, even if it's not completely filled. It's a great way to clear space instantly. 

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