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PC only game
102 Players
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Character control mouse-all mouse-all or mouse-all mouse-all
Jump mouse-all
Choose and arrange the parts mouse-all
Open/ Close Creator mouse-all

Jerry Lawson Game 👦🏿 is a Google Doodle in memory of the unique African-American engineer and video game developer released on December 1, 2020. Jerry was the creator of the first video game console, and now Google is giving you the opportunity to try your hand at being a video game creator by linking this doodle to the 82nd birthday of the “father of the video game console.” Perhaps Lawson's example will inspire you to succeed in this field too!

Who is Jerry Lawson 👦🏿?

From childhood, the young Lawson had a spark for electronics in his eyes as he repaired televisions and built simple devices. After moving to California, Jerry Lawson began working as a consulting engineer at Fairchild Semiconductor. After a few years, he was promoted to head of Fairchild's design and marketing department. During this time, Lawson led the development of the Fairchild Channel F. It was the first home-use video game console to feature a powerful 8-way joystick, interchangeable game cartridges, and a pause function.

An African-American, Lawson made significant strides through his endeavors and talent. He is considered the “Father of the Game Cartridge” and went on to found his own company, Video Soft 🕹️. Lawson was a mentor and teacher to many and was loved and respected in the community. Gerald Anderson Lawson was always a curious, critical thinking engineer who was not afraid of challenges. He inspired his students to push beyond their limits and advance in science and engineering.

Jerry Lawson Game: How to play 🎮?

Doodle will take you back a few decades to a time when the gaming world was not yet as advanced as it is today. Simple pixel graphics and dull colors will let you dive into the time when such games were just starting to be created. As a developer you will be able to create your own game. Come up with a concept and use the available tools in “pencil mode” to create your own platformer. Set up platforms and blocks, add doors and keys, place enemies, traps and health kits. Launch your creation and try to make something really exciting.
You don't have to start from scratch, but you can diversify the already existing platformers in your collection, refining them and making them even more interesting.

Jerry Lawson Game 👦🏿 is a game that chronicles the life of Jerry Lawson and honors this little-known but venerable figure. Doodle will provide hours of fun video game creation. The mobility of the game will allow you to create your projects always and anywhere without being tied to place and time. May the story of Engineer Lawson continue to inspire young professionals to create something new and outstanding.

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